MDWeb is a personal workspace providing standard protocols to prepare structures, run standard molecular dynamics simulations and to analyze trajectories.

MDWeb is based on well known simulation programs like Amber, NAMD and Gromacs, and a series of preparation and analysis tools, joined together in a common interface.

MDWeb does not provide free access to licensed software, all operations are based on open-access modules and tools.

MDWeb internal engine is powered by MDMoby a network of web-services based on the BioMoby protocol, that are also accessible programatically using standard web-service clients and APIs.


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MDWeb, its documentation, any other auxiliary resources involved in building, installing and running the program (such as graphics, makefiles, and user interface definition files) and its commercial exploitation and distribution rights are licensed to NBD Nostrum Biodiscovery under a worldwide and exclusive agreement. This includes, but is not limited to, all the files in the official source distribution, as well as the source distribution itself.

LIMITED TO ACADEMIC USE: by entering the page and using its resources you are specifically declaring a noncommercial use: this means the program will be used by an academic institution or a non-for-profit research organization for teaching and academic research purposes. In the case of profit organizations please contact the NBD Nostrum Biodiscovery ( team to inquire about commercial use of the software.