
Found 18 results
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Filters: Author is Modesto Orozco and Keyword is Hydrogen Bonding  [Clear All Filters]
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GRID-MD-A tool for massive simulation of protein channels., Carrillo, Oliver, and Orozco Modesto , Proteins, 2008 Feb 15, Volume 70, p.892-9, (2008)
Multiple routes to characterize the folding of a small DNA hairpin., Portella, Guillem, and Orozco Modesto , Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 2010 Oct 11, Volume 49, p.7673-6, (2010)
Real-time atomistic description of DNA unfolding., Pérez, Alberto, and Orozco Modesto , Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 2010 Jun 28, Volume 49, p.4805-8, (2010)