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A genome-wide association study on a southern European population identifies a new Crohn’s disease susceptibility locus at RBX1-EP300.,
, Gut, 2013 Oct, Volume 62, p.1440-5, (2013)
A genome-wide association study identifies a novel locus at 6q22.1 associated with ulcerative colitis.,
, Hum Mol Genet, 2014 Dec 20, Volume 23, p.6927-34, (2014)
A deletion at ADAMTS9-MAGI1 locus is associated with psoriatic arthritis risk.,
, Ann Rheum Dis, 2015 Oct, Volume 74, p.1875-81, (2015)
Identification of risk loci for Crohn’s disease phenotypes using a genome-wide association study,
, Gastroenterology, 2015 Apr, Volume 148, p.794-805, (2015)
Genome-Wide Pathway Analysis Identifies Genetic Pathways Associated with Psoriasis.,
, J Invest Dermatol, 2016 Mar, Volume 136, Issue 3, p.593-602, (2016)