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Interoperability with Moby 1.0–it’s better than sharing your toothbrush!, Wilkinson, Mark D., Senger Martin, Kawas Edward, Bruskiewich Richard, Gouzy Jerome, Noirot Celine, Bardou Philippe, Ng Ambrose, Haase Dirk, Saiz Enrique de Andres, et al. , Brief Bioinform, 2008 May, Volume 9, p.220-31, (2008)
Molywood: streamlining the design and rendering of molecular movies, Wieczór, Miłosz, Hospital Adam, Bayarri Genis, Czub Jacek, and Orozco Modesto , Bioinformatics, 06/2020, (2020)
Pre-exascale HPC approaches for molecular dynamics simulations. Covid-19 research: A use case, Wieczór, Miłosz, Genna Vito, Aranda Juan, Badia Rosa M., Gelpí Josep Lluis, Gapsys Vytautas, de Groot Bert L., Lindahl Erik, Municoy Martí, Hospital Adam, et al. , WIREs Computational Molecular Science, 05/2022, Volume In Press, p.e1622, (2022)
Omicron mutations increase interdomain interactions and reduce epitope exposure in the SARS-CoV-2 spike, Wieczór, Miłosz, Tang Phu K., Orozco Modesto, and Cossio Pilar , iScience, 02/2023, Volume 26, Issue 2, p.105981, (2023)
Differential stability of 2’F-ANA*RNA and ANA*RNA hybrid duplexes: roles of structure, pseudohydrogen bonding, hydration, ion uptake and flexibility., Watts, Jonathan K., Martín-Pintado Nerea, Gómez-Pinto Irene, Schwartzentruber Jeremy, Portella Guillem, Orozco Modesto, González Carlos, and Damha Masad J. , Nucleic Acids Res, 2010 Apr, Volume 38, p.2498-511, (2010)
A multi-modal coarse grained model of DNA flexibility mappable to the atomistic level, Walther, Jurgen, Dans Pablo D., Balaceanu Alexandra, Hospital Adam, Bayarri Genis, and Orozco Modesto , Nucleic Acids Research, 01/2020, (2020)
Contribution of engineered electrostatic interactions to the stability of cytosolic malate dehydrogenase., Trejo, F, Gelpí Josep-Lluis, Ferrer A, Boronat A, Busquets M, and Cortés A , Protein Eng, 2001 Nov, Volume 14, p.911-7, (2001)
Sequential amino acid exchange across b(0,+)-like system in chicken brush border jejunum., Torras-Llort, M, Torrents D, Soriano-García J F., Gelpí J L., Estévez R, Ferrer R, Palacín M, and Moretó M , J Membr Biol, 2001 Apr 1, Volume 180, p.213-20, (2001)
Functionalization of the 3’-ends of DNA and RNA strands with N-ethyl-N-coupled nucleosides: a promising approach to avoid 3’-exonuclease-catalyzed hydrolysis of therapeutic oligonucleotides., Terrazas, Montserrat, Alagia Adele, Faustino Ignacio, Orozco Modesto, and Eritja Ramon , Chembiochem, 2013 Mar 4, Volume 14, p.510-20, (2013)
The Origins and the Biological Consequences of the Pur/Pyr DNA·RNA Asymmetry, Terrazas, Montserrat, Genna Vito, Portella Guillem, Villegas Núria, Sanchez Dani, Arnan Carme, Pulido-Quetglas Carlos, Johnson Rory, Guigó Roderic, Brun-Heath Isabelle, et al. , Chem, 04/2019, (2019)
Rational design of novel N-alkyl-N capped biostable RNA nanostructures for efficient long-term inhibition of gene expression, Terrazas, Montserrat, Ivani Ivan, Villegas Núria, Paris Clément, Salvans Cándida, Brun-Heath Isabelle, and Orozco Modesto , Nucleic Acids Research, 11/2016, Volume 44, p.4354-4367, (2016)
A multifunctional toolkit for target-directed cancer therapy, Terrazas, Montserrat, Sanchez Dani, Battistini Federica, Villegas Núria, Brun-Heath Isabelle, and Orozco Modesto , Chemical Communications, 2019, Volume 55, Issue 6, p.802 - 805, (2019)
Enabling HMMER for the Grid with COMP Superscalar, Tejedor, Enric, Badia Rosa M., Royo Romina, and Gelpí Josep-Lluis , Procedia Computer Science, Volume 1, p.2629–2638, (2010)
Structural analysis of the Candida albicans mitochondrial DNA maintenance factor Gcf1p reveals a dynamic DNA-bridging mechanism, Tarrés-Solé, Aleix, Battistini Federica, Gerhold Joachim M., Piétrement Olivier, Martínez-García Belén, Ruiz-López Elena, Lyonnais Sébastien, Bernadó Pau, Roca Joaquim, Orozco Modesto, et al. , Nucleic Acids Research, 05/2023, p.gkad397, (2023)
A procedure for identifying homologous alternative splicing events., Talavera, David, Hospital Adam, Orozco Modesto, and de la Cruz Xavier , BMC Bioinformatics, 2007, Volume 8, p.260, (2007)
Alternative splicing of transcription factors’ genes: beyond the increase of proteome diversity., Talavera, David, Orozco Modesto, and de la Cruz Xavier , Comp Funct Genomics, 2009, p.905894, (2009)
A fast method for the determination of fractional contributions to solvation in proteins., Talavera, David, Morreale Antonio, Meyer Tim, Hospital Adam, Ferrer-Costa Carles, Gelpí Josep-Lluis, de la Cruz Xavier, Soliva Robert, F Luque Javier, and Orozco Modesto , Protein Sci, 2006 Nov, Volume 15, p.2525-33, (2006)
The (in)dependence of alternative splicing and gene duplication., Talavera, David, Vogel Christine, Orozco Modesto, Teichmann Sarah A., and de la Cruz Xavier , PLoS Comput Biol, 2007 Mar 2, Volume 3, p.e33, (2007)
Geometrical and electronic structure variability of the sugar-phosphate backbone in nucleic acids., Svozil, Daniel, Sponer Judit E., Marchán Ivan, Pérez Alberto, Cheatham Thomas E., Forti F, F Luque Javier, Orozco Modesto, and Sponer Jiri , J Phys Chem B, 2008 Jul 10, Volume 112, p.8188-97, (2008)
High-Throughput Prediction of the Impact of Genetic Variability on Drug Sensitivity and Resistance Patterns for Clinically Relevant Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Mutations from Atomistic Simulations, Suriñach, Aristarc, Hospital Adam, Westermaier Yvonne, Jordá Luis, Orozco-Ruiz Sergi, Beltrán Daniel, Colizzi Francesco, Andrio Pau, Soliva Robert, Municoy Martí, et al. , Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 12/2022, Volume In press, (2022)
Enzyme-directed mutasynthesis: a combined experimental and theoretical approach to substrate recognition of a polyketide synthase., Sundermann, Uschi, Bravo-Rodriguez Kenny, Klopries Stephan, Kushnir Susanna, Gómez Hansel, Sanchez-Garcia Elsa, and Schulz Frank , ACS Chem Biol, 2013 Feb 15, Volume 8, p.443-50, (2013)
Unconventional interactions between water and heterocyclic nitrogens in protein structures., Stollar, Elliott J., Gelpí Josep-Lluis, Velankar Sameer, Golovin Adel, Orozco Modesto, and Luisi Ben F. , Proteins, 2004 Oct 1, Volume 57, p.1-8, (2004)
A systematic study of the energetics involved in structural changes upon association and connectivity in protein interaction networks., Stein, Amelie, Rueda Manuel, Panjkovich Alejandro, Orozco Modesto, and Aloy Patrick , Structure, 2011 Jun 8, Volume 19, p.881-9, (2011)
Emergence of chromatin hierarchical loops from protein disorder and nucleosome asymmetry, Sridhar, Akshay, Farr Stephen E., Portella Guillem, Schlick Tamar, Orozco Modesto, and Collepardo-Guevara Rosana , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 03/2020, Volume 117, Issue 13, p.7216, (2020)
Nature of base stacking: reference quantum-chemical stacking energies in ten unique B-DNA base-pair steps., Sponer, Jiri, Jurecka Petr, Marchán Ivan, F Luque Javier, Orozco Modesto, and Hobza Pavel , Chemistry, 2006 Mar 20, Volume 12, p.2854-65, (2006)
Theoretical study of the guanine –> 6-thioguanine substitution in duplexes, triplexes, and tetraplexes., Spacková, Nad’a, Cubero Elena, Sponer Jiri, and Orozco Modesto , J Am Chem Soc, 2004 Nov 10, Volume 126, p.14642-50, (2004)
Performance of the IEF-MST solvation continuum model in the SAMPL2 blind test prediction of hydration and tautomerization free energies., Soteras, Ignacio, Orozco Modesto, and F Luque Javier , J Comput Aided Mol Des, 2010 Apr, Volume 24, p.281-91, (2010)
Performance of the IEF-MST solvation continuum model in a blind test prediction of hydration free energies., Soteras, Ignacio, Forti Flavio, Orozco Modesto, and F Luque Javier , J Phys Chem B, 2009 Jul 9, Volume 113, p.9330-4, (2009)
Induction effects in metal cation-benzene complexes., Soteras, Ignacio, Orozco Modesto, and F Luque Javier , Phys Chem Chem Phys, 2008 May 21, Volume 10, p.2616-24, (2008)
On the origin of the stereoselectivity in the alkylation of oxazolopiperidone enolates., Soteras, Ignacio, Lozano Oscar, Gómez-Esqué Arantxa, Escolano Carmen, Orozco Modesto, Amat Mercedes, Bosch Joan, and F Luque Javier , J Am Chem Soc, 2006 May 24, Volume 128, p.6581-8, (2006)
Structure-directed reversion in the pi-facial stereoselective alkylation of chiral bicyclic lactams., Soteras, Ignacio, Lozano Oscar, Escolano Carmen, Orozco Modesto, Amat Mercedes, Bosch Joan, and F Luque Javier , J Org Chem, 2008 Oct 3, Volume 73, p.7756-63, (2008)
DNA-triplex stabilizing properties of 8-aminoguanine, Soliva, Robert, García Ramón Güimil, J. Blas Ramón, Eritja Ramon, Asensio Juan Luis, González Carlos, F. Luque Javier, and Orozco Modesto , Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 28, p.4531-4539, (2000)
Theoretical studies on the inhibition mechanism of cyclooxygenase-2. Is there a unique recognition site?, Soliva, Robert, Almansa Carmen, Kalko Susana G., F Luque Javier, and Orozco Modesto , J Med Chem, 2003 Apr 10, Volume 46, p.1372-82, (2003)
Solution structure of a DNA duplex with a chiral alkyl phosphonate moiety, Soliva, R., Monaco V., Gómez-Pinto I., Meeuwenoord N. J., Van der Marel G. A., Van Boom J. H., González C., and Orozco Modesto , Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 29, p.2973-2985, (2001)
Dissection of the recognition properties of p38 MAP kinase. Determination of the binding mode of a new pyridinyl-heterocycle inhibitor family., Soliva, Robert, Gelpí Josep-Lluis, Almansa Carmen, Virgili Marina, and Orozco Modesto , J Med Chem, 2007 Jan 25, Volume 50, p.283-93, (2007)
Making Canonical Workflow Building Blocks Interoperable across Workflow Languages, Soiland-Reyes, Stian, Bayarri Genis, Andrio Pau, Long Robin, Lowe Douglas, Niewielska Ania, Hospital Adam, and Groth Paul , Data Intelligence, 2022, p.1 - 16, (2022)
Connecting proline and γ-aminobutyric acid in stressed plants through non-enzymatic reactions., Signorelli, Santiago, Dans Pablo D., E Coitiño Laura, Borsani Omar, and Monza Jorge , PLoS One, 2015, Volume 10, p.e0115349, (2015)
pyPcazip: A PCA-based toolkit for compression and analysis of molecular simulation data, Shkurti, Ardita, Goni Ramon, Andrio Pau, Breitmoser Elena, Bethune Iain, Orozco Modesto, and Laughton Charles A. , SoftwareX, 12/2016, Volume 5, p.44 - 50, (2016)
Exploration of conformational transition pathways from coarse-grained simulations., Sfriso, Pedro, Hospital Adam, Emperador Agustí, and Orozco Modesto , Bioinformatics, 2013 Aug 15, Volume 29, p.1980-6, (2013)
Methods to Trace Conformational Transitions, Sfriso, Pedro, and Orozco Modesto , Simulating Enzyme Reactivity: Computational Methods in Enzyme Catalysis, p.215 - 244, (2017)
Residues Coevolution Guides the Systematic Identification of Alternative Functional Conformations in Proteins, Sfriso, Pedro, Duran-Frigola Miquel, Mosca Roberto, Emperador Agustí, Aloy Patrick, and Orozco Modesto , Structure, Volume 24, p.116 - 126, (2016)
