Molywood Documentation

Molywood Documentation

Table of contents

Input structure

Input files should be structured according to the general template:

$ global_keyword1 key1=value1 key2=value2 ...
$ global_keyword2 key1=value1 key2=value2 ...
$ ...

# scene1_name
action1 key1=value1 key2=value2 ...    ! this is a single action
action2 key1=value1 key2=value2 ...    ! this is a single action, too
{                                      ! this requests two concurrent actions
 action3 key1=value1 key2=value2 ...
 action4 key1=value1 key2=value2 ...

# scene2_name

Notes on input formatting:

  • A line starting with a $ sign specifies global keywords, e.g. $ global fps=20 (see available global keywords below)
  • A hash # marks the beginning of a scene input section, and should be followed by a single-word scene identifier, e.g. # scene_1
  • Single actions have to be specified on a single line, starting with a keyword and followed by any number of whitespace-separated parameter=value pairs (note: no spaces encircling the = sign)
  • Multiple actions (e.g. rotation and zoom_in) can be performed simultaneously if they are encircled in curly brackets and separated with semicolons, e.g. {rotate t=1s angle=50; zoom_in scale=2}; they can also be split over several lines for convenience. Note that the t=...s parameter only has to be specified once per curly bracket
  • true/false values can be specified as true/false, yes/no or in shorthand notation (t/f, y/n)
  • Comments can be introduced with an exclamation mark, !

List of available global keywords and parameters:

  • global ([fps=20 draft=t/f keepframes=t/f render=t/f restart=t/f name=movie breakpoints=... gif=8,400])
  • layout ([rows=1 columns=1])
  • master_overlay (t=...s start_time=... [figure=... datafile=... origin=0,0 text=... relative_size=1 dataframes=init_frame:final_frame dataframes_from_file=filename.dat aspect_ratio=... 2D=t/f textsize=1 sigmoid=t/f alpha=a_init[:a_final] scene=... transparent_background=t/f textcolor=black decimal_points=3 movie=...])
  • scene_identifier ([visualization=... structure=... trajectory=... pdb_code=... position=0,0 resolution=1000,1000 after=... ambient_occlusion=t/f max_transparent_surfaces=3 variables=key1:value1,key2:value2,... render_only=...])

(instead of scene_identifier, you should put the actual identifier of the scene in question, e.g. scene_1 in the example below)

Notes on global keywords:

  • fps=... sets the frame ratio, effectively translating t=...s keywords in indivivual actions into actual frame numbers. A value of 15-25 will produce a smooth movie; setting it low (2-10) is, however, convenient for early tests and experimentation as the movie preparation becomes very fast.
  • The draft mode allows for a quick-and-dirty render on a local machine, using the Snapshot renderer (esentially VMD screenshots) instead of the more robust but costly Tachyon. In general, one should not run a draft=f job until a draft=t movie looks good. Note: minor aspects (e.g. the appearence of transparent materials or text labels) will differ between the two modes.
  • With keepframes, one can preserve most of the files generated on-the-fly (.png frames and the .tcl script). This can be useful in many cases, e.g. when designing complex overlays on top of already rendered frames, or when introducing custom changes into the .tcl script. This will also allow for fast re-rendering with only very small changes, by removing the affected frames and setting restart=t (see below).
  • The render option indicates that the run should render frames and produce a movie. Turning it off (render=f) allows the user to only "play" the movie within VMD (consecutive actions are performed but no image files are stored), so that the disk drive is not overwhelmed, but scene composition and overlays cannot be previewed this way - use draft=t instead to preview the final result.
  • restart=t can be used if a fraction of frames has already been successfully rendered (sometimes taking a lot of time) and only the remaining ones should be produced. In this case, the script should automatically detect which actions have been rendered completely, and only re-render missing ones.
  • name only affects the names of the .png frames and the final .mp4 movie file. Can be useful to avoid overwriting existing files.
  • layout only needs to be specified when creating a grid of scenes. In that case, the number of rows and/or columns has to be defined, and position has to be specified for each scene (see below).
  • master_overlay specifies an overlay (conceptually identical to add_overlay documented below) that is added on top of the combined scenes, and can be useful for overlaying e.g. a label or a legend on a grid of scenes defined with layout (where add_overlay used within that scene would only affect one piece of the grid, not the entire movie). Accepted parameters are identical to add_overlay, except alias and mode; t=...s specifies duration, and compulsory start_time=... specifies the onset of the overlay (in movie's absolute time, in seconds); both can be floating point numbers if needed.

Scene keywords
  • visualization=file.vmd indicates a .vmd visualization state file, generated in VMD through File>Save Visualization State. It is a TCL script containing all commands necessary to reproduce the saved view. Please keep in mind that not all VMD operations are properly saved in the visualization state; examples inlude RMSD fitting (try working with fit_trajectory to reproduce the desired effect) or the setting of clipping planes.
  • structure=file.pdb indicates a structure file with a VMD-compatible extension (most currently used formats, from .pdb to .gro to .xyz or .mol2). If used instead of visualization, the structure will be read and displayed using the default style (NewCartoon and secondary structure-based coloring).
  • trajectory=file.xtc indicates a compressed trajectory file that has to be loaded alongside structure. While the visualizaton option will typically be preferred to the structure + trajectory combination, the latter might come in handy when e.g. automatizing movie production on a remote machine.
  • pdb_code=1abc specifies a 4-character code from the PDB database ( The corresponding entry will be downloaded and visualized using the default style (NewCartoon and secondary structure-based coloring).
  • cubes=filename_pattern*.cube specifies a regular expression that will be used to select all .cube files matching it, and load them (ordered by numeric values in the name) as a trajectory with dynamic densities; this is useful for working with AIMD or QM/MM trajectories. highlight can be combined with isovalue to add 3D density visualization.
  • position=row,column specifies the location of the given scene on a grid, when a grid of scenes is enabled with the layout keyword (see above). It requires two integers, the first speficying the row and second the column. Note that it is the user who is responsible for matching the resolutions of individual scenes.
  • resolution=X,Y specifies the scene's resolution (in pixels). Note that (1) in the draft mode, resolution cannot be larger than screen size; (2) with Tachyon rendering, higher resolutions will take significantly longer to render, so try using a low value if you want to test your settings before the final rendering.
  • after=other_scene_name allows to join two scenes in time, so that the current scene will be appended to the end of other_scene_name.
  • ambient_occlusion=t enables the Tachyon's Ambient Occlusion rendering mode (with a predefined setting). This yields the most visually appealing results, but will take significantly (at least order of magnitude) longer, so it should only be applied as the final polish to already well-tested setups. Not compatible with the draft mode. (Tip: Using the ambient occlusion-optimized AOEdgy, AOChalky, AOShiny materials might produce optimal results with this option.)
  • max_transparent_surfaces=... sets the maximum number of transparencies allowed by the renderer. When set to the default (...=1), only one object on top will appear as transparent; when set to a large number, all elements will maintain transparency, which might produce ugly results in certain setups, e.g., with semi-transparent Licorice or NewCartoon representations.
  • variables=key1:value1,key2:value2,... allows to define per-scene variables that can be later used in Action definitions by placing <key1> keywords where value1 should be placed; this way one can e.g. use the concise # scene1,scene2,... syntax for multiple scenes when action durations or parameters differ between scenes.
  • render_only=... allows the user to only render (or re-render) selected frames by listing a set of frame numbers; other commands will still be performed but rendering will be skipped. Frames can be listed as comma-separated integers or ranges defined with dashes (inclusive), so render_only=7,8,10-12,15 will render frames 7, 8, 10, 11, 12 and 15. Note that in this case most postprocessing actions (such as composing and producing overlays) will not be performed. Also note that changing the fps parameter will change which frames are rendered.


If a part of the code has to be repeated multiple times with different input values, one can use the following syntax:

repeat var1 var2 [var1_value1 var1_value2] [var2_value1 var2_value2]
some_action param1=<var1> t=<var2>s
end repeat 

In the above case, some_action will be performed twice with different times and parameters.

As processing of loops is performed on the raw input, they can be inserted essentially anywhere, not just to generate repeated actions but also define multiple scenes or master_overlays.

List of available action keywords and parameters:

Actions in molywood can be instantaneous-only (e.g. adding or removing labels), finite-time-only (e.g. displaying an overlay or figure) or either, depending on user's choice (rotation, transparency change etc). When both options are available, the sole presence of the t=...s keyword makes an action finite-time rather than instantaneous.

Instantaneous actions:

Square brackets denote optional parameters. Values in bold font indicate defaults when parameters are optional.

  • center_view (selection='...' molecules=all)
  • add_label (label='...' atom_index=... [label_color='black' text_size=1 alias=...])
  • add_distance (selection1='...' selection2='...' [label_color='black' text_size=1 alias=...])
  • remove_label ([alias=... remove_all=t/f])
  • remove_distance ([alias=... remove_all=t/f])
  • toggle_molecule (molecule_id=... [top=t/f, freeze=t/f active=t/f drawn=t/f])
  • show_grid

Instantaneous or finite-time actions

Square brackets denote optional parameters. Values in bold font indicate defaults when parameters are optional.

  • fit_trajectory (selection='...' [axis=x/y/z/"v_x v_y v_z" t=...s invert=t/f] molecules=all selection_ref=... molecule_ref=...)
  • rotate (axis=x/y/z angle=... [sigmoid=t/f/sls t=...s fraction=0.0:1.0 molecules=...])
  • translate (vector=Tx,Ty,Tz [sigmoid=t/f/sls t=...s fraction=0.0:1.0 molecules=...])
  • zoom_in/zoom_out (scale=... [sigmoid=t/f/sls t=...s fraction=0.0:1.0])
  • animate (frames=init_frame:[final_frame/last] [smooth=1 t=...s])
  • make_transparent/make_opaque (material=... [sigmoid=t/f/sls start=... limit=... t=...s fraction=0.0:1.0])
  • highlight (selection=... [color=red mode=u/d/n/ud material=Opaque/Diffuse/Transparent/... isovalue=... style=newcartoon/licorice/surf/quicksurf/vdw/cpk/tube/isosurface/dynamicbonds cutoff=1.6 fade_in=0.2 fade_out=0.2 thickness=1.0 volume_offset=0 alias=... molecules=all t=...s])
  • insert_tcl [code=... file=code.tcl loopover=... range=init_val:final_val loop_command=... t=...s]

Finite-time actions:

Square brackets denote optional parameters. Values in bold font indicate defaults when parameters are optional.

  • show_figure (t=...s [figure=... datafile=... dataframes=init_frame:final_frame dataframes_from_file=filename.dat])
  • do_nothing (t=...s)
  • add_overlay (t=...s [origin=0,0 relative_size=1 aspect_ratio=... mode=u/d/n/ud alias=... sigmoid=t/f alpha=a_init[:a_final] transparent_background=t/f dataframes=init_frame:final_frame datafile=... dataframes_from_file=filename.dat 2D=t/f seaborn=f text=... textsize=1 textcolor=black textbox=t/f decimal_points=3 scene=... figure=... movie=... center=t/f])
  • add_audio (audiofile=... [from=0 length=... volume=1])

Note that only finite-time actions can be combined using curly brackets; instantaneous actions should be executed sequentially, as they have no duration by definition.

Notes on individual actions

Instantaneous actions:
  • center_view is an instantaneous action that sets the geometric center of selection (VMD-compatible) as the new camera center to which zoom will converge; useful when zooming onto e.g. a reaction center. If multiple molecules/systems are loaded in VMD (e.g. for alignment of two structures), use molecules=... to choose which will be affected; default is all, other options include top (currently selected) or a comma-separated list of 0-based integers (e.g. 0,2,3).
  • add_label instantaneously adds a text label anchored to the atom specified with atom_index, with the labeling text specified through the label parameter; if desired, text size and color can be specified with label_color and text_size. If the label will be removed later, consider giving it an alias=.... While VMD labels tend to be ugly, an obvious advantage of add_label over an add_overlay text=... directive is that the label moves in sync with the molecule.
  • add_distance instantaneously adds a distance label between the centers of geometry of two VMD-compatible selections, specified with selection1 and selection2; as above, text size and color can be specified with label_color and text_size, and an alias=... can be set to remove the distance label later on.
  • remove_label instantaneously deletes a label specified through alias=... identical to an alias previously specified in add_label; alternatively, all=t removes all existing labels. Note that alias=... and all=t should be mutually exclusive: one either deletes a specific label or all of them.
  • remove_distance works identically to remove_label, but affects labels added using add_distance instead of add_label.
  • toggle_molecule allows to dynamically change molecule properties in VMD: freeze, drawn and active can be toggled on and off with t or f, and the top molecule can be changed by setting top=t, all for the molecule specified with molecule_id=....
  • show_grid generates an additional frame with a 10x10 grid overlaid on top of the current image; this might be helpful in placement of overlays that require their position to be specified. The file will be named grid-scene_name-frame_number.png.

Instantaneous or finite-time actions
  • animate runs the trajectory from init_frame to final_frame, adjusting the playback speed to the time specified with t; smooth=X sets the smoothing of all VMD representations to X. When t is not specified, animate frames=Y instantaneously goes to frame number Y. Note that last can be used instead of a frame number to refer to the last frame in the trajectory.
  • rotate rotates the scene by angle degrees about axis in time t. sigmoid=t gives a smooth transition, while sigmoid=f gives a constant-velocity one; optionally, sigmoid=sls performs a smooth- linear-smooth transition (preferable for e.g. multiple full rotations); when t is not specified, rotate will behave as an instantaneous action. abruptness controls the rate of the sigmoid transition. To rotate only a selected subset of molecules/systems in the scene, use e.g. molecules=0 for the 0-th molecule, or molecules=1,2 for molecules 1 and 2; by default, rotation is applied to all of them (equivalent to molecules=all).
  • translate moves the camera position by vector, specified by three comma-separated values; the unit is screen size, so usually fractional values should be used to achieve a modest change. Other parameters (t, sigmoid, abruptness, molecule) behave identically to rotate.
  • zoom_in/zoom_out scales the view by a factor of scale. Other parameters (t, sigmoid, abruptness) behave identically to rotate.
  • fit_trajectory uses RMSD-based fitting to instantaneously align a trajectory to the reference (first) frame, using the selection to calculate the optimal alignment; when t is specified, this alignment will be gradual instead of abrupt, with abruptness controlling the rate of transition. When axis=x/y/z/"x_comp y_comp z_comp" is specified, the main principal axis of selection will instead be aligned to the chosen/defined axis. If you want to choose an opposite orientation than is done by default, simply add invert=t.
    • If multiple molecules/systems are loaded in VMD (e.g. for alignment of two structures), use molecules=... to choose which will be affected; default is all, other options include top (currently selected) or a comma-separated list of 0-based integers (e.g. 0,2,3).
    • Similarly, in the case of multiple molecules being present, alignment can be made between molecules, by providing the index of molecule_ref that will be used as a reference, and selection_ref if the selection in molecule_ref should be different from selection in the molecule(s) being aligned. By default, molecule_ref is same as molecules, and selection_ref is same as selection. frame_ref can be used to specify the reference frame index in the molecule/system specified with molecule_ref.
  • highlight creates a new representation to highlight a subset of the system selected by specifying the selection parameter. Color can be chosen with color, using either simple color names (black, red, blue, orange, yellow, green and white), VMD-compatible ColorIDs (0-32) or a coloring scheme keyword (name, type, element, structure etc.). Similarly, style can be set to newcartoon, licorice, surf, quicksurf, vdw, dynamicbonds, cpk or tube (non-case sensitive).
    • By default, highlight appears (fades in from transparency) and disappears smoothly over the course of the action. If you want your highlight to stay visible, use mode=u (up) to make it appear only. Add an alias=... if you want to remove it later (see below).
    • To turn off a previously created highlight (possibly after several intervening actions), use mode=d (down) along with alias=... identical to the alias set previously for the highlight in question; you only need to provide an alias to a highlight if you first turn it on and want to turn it off/modify later.
    • To modify the properties of a previously created highlight, use mode=n along with property modifiers such as thickness=..., isovalue=... or alpha=.... To change the property in a smooth manner, use the colon-based (...=init_value:end_value) range syntax.
    • Highlights can also be created or deleted instantaneously (e.g. at the beginning of a scene instead of adding a VMD representation) if the t=...s keyword is omitted and mode=u/d is specified.
    • With style=isosurface, volumetric data (e.g., CCP4 density maps or electron densities) can be shown, given that the mandatory keyword isovalue=... is provided. When a range of values is given (e.g., isovalue=0.01:0.2), the isovalue will change continuously. Note: molywood does not normalize the isovalues, so that one should use the same values as used in VMD.
    • The semi-transparent fade-in and fade-out of highlights can be controlled with the fade_in=... and fade_out=... keywords, which specify the fraction (from 0 to 1) of the action's duration spent at the transition. E.g., when mode=ud (default), t=4s, fade_in=0 and fade_out=0.5, the highlight will appear instantaneously, will be opaque for 2s and will disappear smoothly over the next 2s. cutoff=... provides a cut-off value for the Dynamic Bonds selection, only relevant when style=dynamicbonds is specified.
    • To differentiate between selections, color=name yields cyan carbon atoms, color=type yellow and color=element black. This can be overridden using the syntax e.g. color=type-C:green-H:black (please note that this is a global setting, i.e. affects all representations colored by type/name/element).
    • To show an entire ensemble (or dynamically transition between a single structure and an ensemble of structures), use the multiframe=... parameter. Acceptable values are a single integer, a range of integers (e.g. 0-10), a range of integers with stride (e.g. 0-10-2), or transition between two ranges (e.g.0:0-10 goes smoothly from showing only frame 0 to showing frames 0 through 10; remember frame indices are 0-based in VMD). Use multiframe=now to go back to showing the current frame if needed.
    • If multiple molecules are present in the system/Scene, highlight by default creates an identical representation for all molecules. To specifically add representations for selected molecule(s), use molecules=mol_id, where mol_id is a 0-based index of the molecule, or a comma- (but not space-) separated list of indices of molecules. In past versions, this behavior could be partially emulated using toggle_molecule; now this old way is obsolete.
    • If .cube files are selected, you can use the isovalue keyword to set the desired density isovalue, either as a static or dynamic quantity (e.g. isovalue=0.1:0.3 to make it change from 0.1 to 0.3 during the action).
    • Isovalues can optionally be colored with other density data; to do this, load simultaneously cubes for isovalue rendering and coloring, use color=volume:lower_bound:upper_bound to set the color scale bounds, and set volume_offset=N so that frame i will be colored according to density from frame i+N.
  • make_transparent/make_opaque change the opacity of a selected material to make it fully transparent or fully opaque in time t. start and limit optionally accept floating-point values from 0 to 1 to restrict the transition to this range (note that transparency=0 is equivalent to opacity=1). sigmoid and abruptness work like for rotation. When t is not specified, the change in opacity is instantaneous, and start and limit can be used interchangeably.
    • make_transparent material=Opaque can be used with default VMD representations to make them disappear completely, and then new representations can be added using highlight from scratch.

Finite-time actions:
  • show_figure just shows an image instead of a VMD render during time t; the image is specified using figure=fig_file_name. Optionally, a matplotlib-based plot can be generated when datafile is specified (see the respective options in add_overlay for reference).
  • do_nothing renders a still VMD scene for time t without doing anything else (although can be combined e.g. with add_overlay).
  • add_overlay allows to add an inset to the scene, with the position of the inset's bottom left corner specified through origin (0,0 corresponds to the bottom left and 1,1 to the upper right corner of the figure, as in a regular Cartesian coordinate system), and size specified through relative_size (1.0 means fit into the whole scene, 0.25 means fit into a rectangle 25% of the scene size). Independently, the aspect ratio (X to Y size) can be specified using aspect_ratio=....
    • The show_grid action allows to dump a .png image with a regular 10x10 grid overlaid to facilitate the placement of overlays.
    • The content of the overlay can be: an external figure (specified through figure); an on-the-fly generated matplotlib 1D/2D plot (based on a data file speficied with datafile); plain text (specified through text); another scene (specified through scene); or an external movie (specified through movie).
    • If datafile=... is specified, a dot can dynamically follow the values on the plot. By default, the script will try to use frames from the accompanying animate action to select datapoint indices from the datafile. To independently select datapoint indices for the 1D/2D plot (e.g. when the datafile has much more entries than the trajectory used in animate, one can supply datafile=... with dataframes=init_frame:final_frame - it will take precendence over animate's frames. If dataframes cannot be written as a simple range, write frame numbers to a file and reference it using dataframes_from_file=...
    • If the datafile starts with a single line formatted as # x axis label; y axis label, x axis label and y axis label will be used to label the corresponding axes of the plot.
    • If the datafile contains a line starting with !, it can specify a number of matplotlib-compatible key=value pairs to modify the properties of the plot, e.g. color='C1' ylim=[-2,2] ls='--' sets the color as orange, with a dashed line, and in Y-range from -2 to 2.
    • If the datafile has more than two (N) columns, data will be plotted as multiple (N-1) 1D lines.
    • Currently, 1D line plots (generated with plt.plot) and 2D histograms (generated with plt.hexbin) are supported; the former is default if a datafile is supplied, and the latter can be requested with 2D=t. With seaborn=t, the 2D plot is rendered using the pretty-looking Seaborn library.
    • If text="sample text" is used, the text will be displayed at a position specified with origin. Text properties can then be set using textsize and textcolor.
    • A nice rounded box around the text can be added by setting textbox=t. Alternatively, box properties can be specified in place of t following the matplotlib documentation, and setting e.g. textbox=boxstyle:rarrow,ec:r will yield the box shaped as a right-pointing arrow, with edge color set to red.
    • To use "dynamic" numbers in text overlays, use [] with dataframes=init_value:final_value - [] will be substituted with the appropriate (linearly interpolated) number. For rounding use decimal_points=... (by default, 3 decimal points are shown).
    • When a valid scene name is specified in scene=..., another scene will be rendered and used as an overlay.
    • Providing an external file movie=video.mp4 will disassemble the provided movie into frames and re-compose them into the current scene.
    • Mulitple overlays can be added to a scene simultaneously; adding many add_overlay commands separated by semicolons and encircled in curly brackets works just as any other multiple action (see Notes on input formatting above).
    • The default setting is mode=ud, in analogy to highlight; if mode=u, the overlay will remain in place until the end of the movie, unless mode=d is specified later with a matching alias=... entry.
    • By specifying alpha, the overlay can be made semi-transparent; alpha can either be a float between 0 and 1 (e.g. alpha=0.3), or a range separated by a colon (e.g. alpha=1:0); in the latter case, transparency will change linearly from the first value (here non-transparent, alpha=1) to the other (here fully transparent, alpha=0).
    • To modify the properties of a previously created overlay, use mode=n along with property modifiers such as origin=..., relative_size=... or alpha=.... To change the property in a smooth manner, use the colon-based (...=init_value:end_value) range syntax. To indicate which overlay will be affected, the alias keyword has to be specified both initially (with mode=u) and in the current overlay (mode=n).
    • Setting transparent_background=t will convert all white pixels in the overlay into transparent ones; this way, overlays can be easily composed one upon another without covering the content.
    • To use images' centers instead of lower-left corners for alignment, use center=t. In this way, the default origin=0,0 will place the overlay's center exactly in the middle of the Scene, which might be a desired outcome e.g. for scene-wide text labels that don't have a predictable size. Similarly, origin=0,-0.4 will put the overlay's center at the middle of the Scene horizontally, and at 10% of the Scene's height vertically.
  • add_audio allows to add a soundtrack to the movie, be it a piece of music or a spoken comment. Like add_overlay, it has to be combined with another action using the curly bracket {...} notation. By default, a given recording starts at the beginning of the action, and can exceed the action's duration, even until the end of the movie.
    • The audio file can be specified with the audiofile=... keyword; for now, only the .mp3 format is properly tested.
    • When from=... and length=... are specified, the input audio will be trimmed to start from the specified timestamp and have the appropriate duration (both values are in seconds and can be floats).
    • Within a movie, many audio files can be added, although only one file per action is supported. If consecutive audio files overlap, the preceding one will be interrupted where the next one begins.
    • To adjust the volume of individual audio segments, add volume=..., passing the new volume relative to the original (a value of 1 yields the original volume)

Notes on extra graphics features

  • External figures (e.g. ending credits) can be featured in the movies. The external graphics file has to be specified as a parameter in the show_figure action (e.g. show_figure t=4s figure=picture.png).
  • Note that it is the user who is responsible for setting correct resolutions for the individual scenes. By default, each scene is rendered in a resolution of 1000x1000; if e.g. a source figure isn't exactly rectangular, it will be scaled to fit in the rectangle, but its aspect ratio (shape) will not be affected.
  • When generating figures with matplotlib, axis labels can be specified directly in the datafile by adding a # x label; y label (spaces and latex-compatible math notation are allowed). In addition, multiple matplotlib-compatible keyword=value pairs can be enumerated after the ! character to modify plt.plot/plt.hexbin defaults, e.g. ! bins='log' cmap='seismic', or plot properties, e.g. ! xlim=-1,2 ylim=0,500 (no spaces around the = sign).
  • Invidivual scenes can be combined not only side-by-side (as using $ layout ...), but also one after the other. To append next_scene at the end of previous_scene, it is sufficient to set e.g. $ next_scene visualization=... after=previous_scene. Note that to avoid technical issues, it is advised to list the scenes in the input in the actual order they need to be concatenated, especially when concatenating more than two of them.

Known issues

  • VMD labels are always rendered using the Opaque material, so that making this material transparent (make_transparent material=Opaque) will make the labels disappear as well; the straightforward solution is to use a different material, or generate a copy. (VMD Main > Graphics > Materials > Create New)
  • The labels are rendered with a slightly different size and appearance with the Snapshot (draft=t) and Tachyon (draft=f) renderers.
  • fit_trajectory combined with axis can become slow if combined with large selection (in terms of number of atoms) and animation with large smooth=... values; it is suggested to only use backbones for alignment to principal axes, as the repeated calculation of tensors of inertia can be time-consuming in VMD.
  • With the default ffmpeg settings, choppy video playback has been reported when VLC is being run on OSX; this is solely a video player issue.
  • In the draft=t mode, setting the frame resolution higher than screen resolution will limit the frame's dimension, possibly interfering with the positioning of overlays (e.g. resolution=1500,1500 will not work properly on a 1280x1024 screen). This can be an issue particularly for users of the i3 window manager on Linux. However, things will work properly when the draft mode is turned off.
  • Due to how Tachyon renders transparencies, at times the default setting max_transparent_surfaces=1 might turn out troublesome when working with many transparent representations overlaid on one another: if that is the case, try increasing this value. The default is set to 3 as otherwise representations like Licorice or NewCartoon look quite ugly when transparent.
  • When trajectories are loaded along with a .gro file, VMD can throw segmentation faults; this can be fixed by converting the .gro to .pdb.
  • When two highlights coincide exactly (i.e. have the same style and thickness) and one of them is made fully transparent, the other can disappear too, due to how Tachyon handles transparencies; this can be solved by changing the thickness of one of them very slightly, e.g. from 1 to 1.05.
  • In text overlays, newlines (\n) are currently incompatible with backslash-dependent TeX characters (like \alpha)

Advanced tips

  • To inspect the TCL code directly, you can add the -test keyword when running molywood (molywood script.txt -test), and in this way the TCL code will be generated only but not executed in VMD.
  • To log all command-line actions executed in the background, run Molywood with the -log keyword (molywood script.txt -log). All activity will be saved to command_line_log.moly. Note that, by default, all VMD output is written to scenename_vmdlog.moly, and all ffmpeg output is written to moviename_ffmpeglog.moly.
  • To insert a custom modification to the TCL code on-the-fly, use insert_tcl with file=... pointing to a text file with a TCL snippet, or code=... to define the code (preferably a one-liner) directly in the input file. You can use VMD's VMD Main > File > Log TCL Commands to... to find out how to express the desired action as a TCL command.
  • To insert a TCL snipped into a loop using insert_tcl, making the custom command dynamic/variable, use loop_command to specify the command, putting an empty curly bracket ({}) where the variable should go. Then, either specify a range of values for the loop with range=init_val:final_val or list values (if have to be non-linear) using loopover=val1,val2,val3,.... Number of values can be different from the number of frames, this will be adjusted. Note that for this feature to take effect, insert_tcl has to be combined with another action.
  • To split a movie into several shorter movies (e.g. to put them into individual slides), add the global breakpoints=t1,t2,t3,... option, where t1, t2, t3, ... are times (in seconds) at which the movie will be broken into subparts.
  • To export your movie as a .gif (on top of having the .mp4), use the global option gif=fps,width_px, where fps is the frame-per-second of the resulting gif, and width_px is the gif width in pixels (defaults are: 8 fps & 400 px). Through quality reduction, gifs can be more easily embedded in websites or other online resources.`