Install and Run Molywood in Ubuntu

Ubuntu installation with Conda


The molywood tool has been developed in Python version 3 and therefore it must be run over a Python 3 installation or environment.

Install Anaconda

Although the installation can be done without using Anaconda, we strongly recommend it as it contains numpy and matplotlib as a pre-installed package.

  1. Go to the official Anaconda website:
  2. Be sure that the Linux tab is selected and and copy the Download Python 3.x version link.

  3. Open terminal and download the link copied in the step above:

    wget .
  4. Now we have the file downloaded but we need to give it execution permissions:

    chmod +x

  5. Once we have execution permissions, let's execute the file and follow the installation instructions:

    sh ./
  6. When the execution is finished, try to execute conda in the terminal window. If it doesn't work, the path must be exported:

    export PATH=/home/USER/anaconda3/bin:$PATH

Download environment.yml file

For creating a new conda environment, we need to download a YAML file with all the dependencies that must be installed into our environment. The structure of this file is as follows:

name: molywood
  - conda-forge
  - python
  - vmd
  - ffmpeg
  - imagemagick
  - conda

Download the YAML file environment.yml to your computer clicking the button below:

Download environment.yml

Create conda environment

Open your terminal and go to the folder where your environment.yml file has been downloaded and follow the next steps:

  1. Create the molywood conda environment:

    conda env create -f environment.yml
  2. Once the molywood conda environment is created, activate it:

    conda activate molywood
  3. Run the Python Package Installer to install manually the last dependency:

    pip install molywood

Run molywood

Now you can run molywood just typing molywood in your terminal.

(molywood) $ molywood

 Warning: no input data was provided. 

 To run Molywood, provide the name of the input file, e.g. 'molywood script.txt'. 

 To run a sample visualization, type 'y'. 

 To generate a sample input, type 'i'. 

 Pressing 'Enter' (or entering any other command) will terminate the script.
 >>> y
 Do you want to render the movie ('r'), or display only ('d')?
 >>> d
 Sample movie with pdb 1w0t, render mode off
Now rendering scene: scene