Install and Run BioExcel Building Blocks in Mac OS Intel

Install in Mac OS Intel

Install Anaconda

  1. Go to the official Anaconda website:
  2. Be sure that the macOS tab is selected and Download Python 3.x version.

  3. Double click on the *.pkg file and follow the instructions:

  4. The process of installation can last several minutes:

  5. When the execution is finished, try to execute conda in the terminal window. If it doesn't work, the path must be exported:

    export PATH=/home/USER/anaconda3/bin:$PATH

Install Git

If you have Git installed (to test it, just type git in your terminal), please skip this step. If not, go to the next link and install it:

Run tutorial

Go to the tutorial and follow the instructions. As an exemple we have taken the Protein MD Setup tutorial:

Then, please follow the next steps:

  1. First off, download the tutorial cloning the project in your computer:

    git clone
  2. Go to the project folder:

    cd biobb_wf_md_setup
  3. Create anaconda environment:

    conda env create -f conda_env/environment.yml
  4. The creation of the environment will take some minutes. Once it's done, let's activate the environment:

    conda activate biobb_MDsetup_tutorial
    In some distributions, conda activate instruction doesn't work. If this is the case, please type:

    source activate biobb_MDsetup_tutorial 
  5. Activate Jupyter extensions:

    jupyter-nbextension enable --py --user widgetsnbextension
    jupyter-nbextension enable --py --user nglview
  6. Open Jupyter Notebook:

    jupyter-notebook biobb_wf_md_setup/notebooks/biobb_MDsetup_tutorial.ipynb
  7. Jupyter Notebook is a web-based interactive computational environment. When launching the above instruction the default browser is automatically launched. If this is not the case, copy all the address provided by Jupyter Notebook (with the long token included) and copy it to your browser:

    [I 17:10:51.920 NotebookApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: /home/USER/projects/BioBB/tutorials
    [I 17:10:51.920 NotebookApp] The Jupyter Notebook is running at:
    [I 17:10:51.920 NotebookApp] https://localhost:8888/?token=71e022a6ac0f6e31efb37f4d12053a36bbfe7f22f0625266
    [I 17:10:51.920 NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).
    [C 17:10:51.925 NotebookApp] 
        To access the notebook, open this file in a browser:
        Or copy and paste one of these URLs:
    Opening in existing browser session.
  8. This tutorial has been successfully tested in Safari, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.