A new paradigm for molecular dynamics databases: the COVID-19 database, the legacy of a titanic community effort

TitleA new paradigm for molecular dynamics databases: the COVID-19 database, the legacy of a titanic community effort
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsBeltrán, Daniel, Hospital Adam, Gelpí Josep Lluis, and Orozco Modesto
JournalNucleic Acids Res
PaginationD393 - D403
Date Published04/2024
ISBN Number0305-1048

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are keeping computers busy around the world, generating a huge amount of data that is typically not open to the scientific community. Pioneering efforts to ensure the safety and reusability of MD data have been based on the use of simple databases providing a limited set of standard analyses on single-short trajectories. Despite their value, these databases do not offer a true solution for the current community of MD users, who want a flexible analysis pipeline and the possibility to address huge non-Markovian ensembles of large systems. Here we present a new paradigm for MD databases, resilient to large systems and long trajectories, and designed to be compatible with modern MD simulations. The data are offered to the community through a web-based graphical user interface (GUI), implemented with state-of-the-art technology, which incorporates system-specific analysis designed by the trajectory providers. A REST API and associated Jupyter Notebooks are integrated into the platform, allowing fully customized meta-analysis by final users. The new technology is illustrated using a collection of trajectories obtained by the community in the context of the effort to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. The server is accessible at https://bioexcel-cv19.bsc.es/#/. It is free and open to all users and there are no login requirements. It is also integrated into the simulations section of the BioExcel-MolSSI COVID-19 Molecular Structure and Therapeutics Hub: https://covid.molssi.org/simulations/ and is part of the MDDB effort (https://mddbr.eu).

Short TitleNucleic Acids Research