BioBB REST API Release Notes
1.4.0 (05/08/2021)
- Updated to BioExcel Building Blocks v3.6.0+
- Update to Biopython 1.79
- Update to TensorFlow 2.4.0
- Added new biobb_vs v3.6.0 package
- Added new biobb_amber v3.6.0 package
1.3.0 (14/01/2021)
- Updated to BioExcel Building Blocks v3.5.0+
- Update to Biopython 1.78
- New MemProtMD DB REST API tools in biobb_io
- New Resampling module in biobb_ml
- New biobb_md grompp_mdrun block combination
- New biobb_model tools
- Biobb_model now is using Modeller
- PMX software has been updated to python 3 and thus, biobb_pmx breaks its dependence from docker
1.1.0 (15/05/2020)
- Updated to BioExcel Building Blocks v3.0.0+
- Update to Python 3.7
- Update to Biopython 1.76
- Update to Ambertools 20.0
- Installed docker for biobb_pmx execution
1.0.0 (05/03/2020)
- First public release
- Updated to BioExcel Building Blocks v2.0.0
- Update to Python 3.6
0.0.2 (22/12/2019)
- Added swagger.json files for Documentation and Tools Documentation sections
- Added unittests
- Added tutorials