Molecular Dynamics Packages Installation

NAFlex offers a variety of setup workflows that prepare molecules to run Molecular Dynamics simulations with the three most used MD packages existing today: AMBER, GROMACS and NAMD. By now, and mainly due to limitations in computer power and disk space, MD simulations allowed by the server are short ones (up to 0.5ns), just to test the correctness of the prepared system. Users then can download all the necessary data to run a longer simulation in their own machines, as explained in the NAFlex setup tutorial help section and in the MDWeb Run tutorial help section.

In order to run the simulations in a local machine, the corresponding MD package must be correctly installed and configured. This section of the NAFlex help pages is dedicated to offer some information, references and useful links about installation and configuration of AMBER, GROMACS and NAMD MD packages .

  1. AMBER Package
  2. GROMACS Package
  3. NAMD Package

1. AMBER Package Installation & Configuration

AMBER (Assisted Model Building with Energy Refinement) Molecular Dynamics package is divided in two main parts: AmberTools and Amber. AmberTools is a completelly free package of programs to prepare molecules to run MD simulations and for the post trajectory analysis. AmberTools is the package used by NAFlex when working with Amber forcefields. Amber, on the other hand, is the package of programs to actually run MD simulations, and this part is not free. Fees go from $400 for Academic/non-profit/government use to $20,000 for industrial (for-profit) new licensees. More information can be found in: How to obtain Amber package.

Installation instructions are given in Section 1.2 of the AmberTools Reference Manual. They refer to both Amber and AmberTools parts. There is also a section in AmberTools Reference Manual about automatically applying bug fixes that should be read (section 1.5).

Amber web page ( has some specific instructions and hints for various common operating systems, just looking for the “Running Amber on ....” links. In the next lines, there are (briefly) the steps needed to install and configure Amber/AmberTools in a local machine. For large, more especific and extended information, please refer to the Amber Reference Manual.

AMBER Installation & Configuration Steps (click to show):

Useful links:

2. GROMACS Package Installation & Configuration

GROMACS (GROningen MAchine for Chemical Simulations) is Molecular Dynamics software package, including an impressive set of small programs to prepare and run MD simulations and analyse the resulting trajectories. Each of these programs contain a brief help about what are doing, how to run them, and information about parameters, inputs and outputs. GROMACS has also an extensive documentation, either in an on-line format ( as well as in a PDF Manual.

The entire GROMACS package is Free Software, licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License. Installation instructions are given in the on-line documentation and in Appendix A section of the Reference Manual.

In the next lines, there are (briefly) the steps needed to install and configure GROMACS in a local machine. For large, more especific and extended information, please refer to the Gromacs Documentation.

GROMACS Installation & Configuration Steps (click to show):

Useful links:

3. NAMD Package Installation & Configuration

NAMD (Not [just] Another Molecular Dynamics program) is an MD simulation program based on Charmm++ parallel objects, developed at the Theoretical and Computational Biophysics Group in the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. NAMD is distributed free of charge with source code.

NAMD uses the popular molecular graphics program VMD for simulation setup and trajectory analysis, but is also file-compatible with AMBER, CHARMM, and X-PLOR.

In the next lines, there are (briefly) the steps needed to install and configure NAMD in a local machine. For large, more especific and extended information, please refer to the Namd Documentation.

NAMD Installation & Configuration Steps (click to show):

Useful links: