Projects menu | |
Open project | |
Download all project items in a compressed file, that can be restored back to NAFlex | |
Delete project from the workspace (all items will be deleted). | |
Data types | |
PDB Structure | |
PDB Structure + PSF Topology (NAMD format). | |
PDB Structure + PARMTop Topology (AMBER format). | |
PDB Structure + Top (& ITPs) Topology (GROMACS format). | |
MD Trajectory. | |
MD Trajectory CRD Amber ASCII format. | |
MD Trajectory DCD CHARMM/X-PLOR/NAMD Binary format. | |
MD Trajectory XTC Gromacs Binary format. | |
MD Trajectory NetCDF (Network Common Data Form), machine-independent binary data format for array-oriented scientific data. | |
MD Trajectory compressed with Pcazip, using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) algorithms. | |
Amino Acid sequence with an associated feature value as an array of real vaues (e.g. Bfactor x residue). | |
Data as an XY array (e.g. RMSd vs time) | |
Nucleic Acid Flexibility Analysis | |
Data status | |
Data computed and stored correctly. | |
Data not yet available, process is still running. | |
Data not available, process has failed. | |
Operations | |
Quick info about the operation. | |
Perform a new setup operation on the selected structure. | |
Perform a new simulation/optimization procedure. | |
Perform a new analysis. | |
Visualize structure using Rasmol compatibles viewers (plug-in required). | |
Visualize structure using JMol. | |
Download object in a compressed tgz file. | |
View log file. | |
Delete item from the workspace. |