MDWeb Running Simulation Tutorial

MDWeb provides a friendly environment to setup new systems and run test simulations. With this short tutorial, you will be able to run a Molecular Dynamics Simulation in your own machines, using files provided by MDWeb after preparing the system.

  1. Generating needed files
  2. Downloading and Extracting Files
  3. Preparing Downloaded Files
  4. Launching Molecular Dynamics Simulation

Tutorial Steps

  1. Generating needed files
  2. This short tutorial assumes that user have already setup a system using one of MDWeb Workflows to run a complete system preparation: GromacsWorkflowFULL, AmberWorkflowFULL, or NamdWorkflowFULL (see Setup Tutorial ), or alternatively it has been prepared step by step using the appropiate MDWeb operations.

    The first thing to do then is run an operation called Simple Box Solvent Molecular Dynamics with the MD ensemble of interest (NPT, NVE or NVT). It can be found in the MDWeb Simulation Operations, clicking at the icon New Operation.

    Simple Box Solvent MD Operation

    We will need to fill in the parameter fields with desired values. For example, if what we want is to run a Molecular Dynamics Simulation of 10 ns with a timestep of 2 fs at a 300 K of temperature (a standard molecular dynamics first step, to completelly equilibrate the system), we just have to write these numbers: Time Step: 2 fs, Temperature: 300 K, Total Time: 10000 ps, and Output Frequency: 500 steps. Note that for choosing the output frequency, the total number of snapshots that will be written by the MD Simulation are computed on the fly and shown in red color. In this case, we have chosen to write every 500 steps in order to have 10000 snapshots, one per picosecond.

    Simple Box Solvent MD Parameters

    Note the line saying: Only return Configuration Files (without running simulation). Leaving this checked MDWeb will give you all the necessary input files to run the simulation, together with a README file with instructions about how to run it. Unchecking this line, MDWeb will perform the simulation, however, in the present case you will get an error message, because only simulations up to 0.5 ns are allowed in our server due to the limitations in computer resources.

  3. Downloading and Extracting Files
  4. Now, in the last operation results, we have to click at the download icon Download to get all the necessary files to run the prepared Simulation. The file downloaded is a gzip-compressed tar file, which can be easily uncompressed and unpacked with the appropriate program.

    The list of files extracted, depending on the Workflow Program, looks like this (click to expand):

    GROMACS Files

    NAMD Files

    AMBER Files

    A README file for each of the programs explains briefly how to use the given scripts to run the simulation. Let's take a look at one example. We will use the preparation done in the Setup Tutorial help part, with a GROMACS Workflow.

  5. Preparing Downloaded Files
  6. First of all, let's take a look at the README file. In one section, it is said that a few lines of the shell scripts queue* need to be modified before launching the simulation. They refer to MD program paths and libraries. These are enclosed between these marks:

    # Modify the following lines according to your installation
    --> Lines to modify <--

    So we are going to edit the file named queueSP*, that corresponds to a single processor run. The same should be done with the corresponding queueMPI* file to launch the simulation in Multiple Processors or with queueSGE* to use SGE queue manager.

    # Modify the following lines according to your installation
    # Path to GROMACS
    set GROMACS=/usr

    # GROMACS mdrun binary, uncomment as necessary
    set MDRUN=$GROMACS/bin/mdrun
    #set MDRUN=$GROMACS/bin/mdrun_mpi
    #set MDRUN=$GROMACS/bin/mdrun_d

    # GROMACS trajconv executable, uncomment as necessary
    set TCONV=$GROMACS/bin/trjconv
    #set TCONV=$GROMACS/bin/trjconv_d


    In our case, we know that our Gromacs mdrun executable is located at /opt/gromacs/bin/, so we just need to modify the Path to GROMACS variable:.

    set GROMACS=/usr

    to this new one:

    set GROMACS=/opt/gromacs

    The trjconv binary is located at the same directory, so we don't have to modify the line:

    set TCONV=$GROMACS/bin/trjconv

    And that's all! We already have our shell script prepared to launch the simulation.

  7. Launching Molecular Dynamics Simulation
  8. Once again, a section of the README file can help us in this task. It is said that if executing in Single Processor mode, we just need to type:

    csh queueSP* & where queueSP* can be replaced by the complete real name of the csh file.

    And if all was fine, you will be able to follow the progress of your simulation from the output file named *_mdrun.log, where information about the completed and remaining steps is written, together with an estimation of the finishing time:

    starting mdrun 'Protein in water'
    5000000 steps, 10000.0 ps.
    step 0

    NOTE: Turning on dynamic load balancing

    vol 0.80 imb F 2% step 100, will finish Tue Oct 18 11:20:51 2011
    vol 0.81 imb F 1% step 200, will finish Tue Oct 18 11:49:35 2011
    vol 0.80 imb F 1% step 300, will finish Tue Oct 18 07:22:22 2011
    vol 0.80 imb F 0% step 400, will finish Tue Oct 18 05:08:26 2011

    For launching simulations with other packages (AMBER and NAMD), the steps of this short tutorial should be completely equivalent.