BioExcel Building Blocks Python compatibility

Below you can find the python compatibility with BioExcel Building Blocks. Note that Python 3.6 and Python 3.7 have reached their end-of-life according to the official Python Developers Guide.

biobb 1.0.x end-of-life
biobb 2.0.x end-of-life
biobb 3.0.x end-of-life
biobb 3.5.x end-of-life
biobb 3.6.x end-of-life
biobb 3.7.x end-of-life
biobb 3.8.x stable in Python 3.9
biobb 3.9.x stable in Python 3.9
biobb 4.0.x stable in Python 3.9
biobb 4.1.x stable in Python 3.9 & Python 3.10
biobb 4.2.x stable in Python 3.9 & Python 3.10
biobb 5.0.x maintained
Python 3.6 Python 3.7 Python 3.8 Python 3.9 Python 3.10 Python 3.11

end-of-life: As the python releases on which this BioBB version relies are no longer maintained, the package has achieved its end of life.

stable: One or more of the python releases on which this BioBB version relies are no longer maintained, the package remains stable though an update it's recommended.

maintained: All the python releases on which this BioBB version relies are stable, so the package is fully maintained.