2-hydroxy-(5-([4-(2-pyridinylamino)sulfonyl]phenyl)azo)benzoic acid (SAS) Summary

Parameter Value
Method HamiltonianREMD
Number of MD replicas 16
Length of the MD simulations (ns) 10
Number of steps between exchanges 100
Force Field General Amber Force Field (GAFF)
Charge scheme Semi-Empirical (AM1)
REMD Progression Geometric Progression
Initial (low) temperature (K) / Scaling factor 298 / 1
Final (high) temperature (K) / Scaling factor 498 / 0.59
Molecule number of atoms 41
Molecule charge (simulated) -1
System number of atoms 2000
Box size in simulations (nm) 0.8
Solvent model TIP3P
Box type in simulations Octahedron
MD ensemble NVT
1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16
Probabilities 0.79 0.79 0.80 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.82 0.82 0.83 0.83 0.84 0.83 0.84 0.84 0.84
# Exchanges 3956 3957 4037 4020 4048 4076 4102 4126 4108 4154 4214 4177 4212 4165 4191
Avg. # Exchanges 0.79 0.79 0.81 0.80 0.81 0.82 0.82 0.83 0.82 0.83 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.83 0.84
RMSd Averages
Reduced chart version
Name Average (Å) Standard deviation (Å)
RMSd_first 1.6894 0.4310
RMSd_exp 1.7289 0.4082
RMSdist_first 0.8541 0.2743
RMSdist_exp 0.9247 0.2573
RMSd Plot
Rgyr Averages
Reduced chart version
Name Average (Å) Standard deviation (Å)
Rgyr 5.0765 0.2648
RgyrX 4.1891 0.3135
RgyrY 4.7613 0.2993
RgyrZ 3.3574 0.0513
Rgyr Plot
Fluctuation Averages
Name Atomic_Fluct
Average (Å) 1.2808
Standard deviation (Å) 0.5649
Atoms list
Atom name Fluctuation (Å)
C1 0.612
C2 1.475
C3 2.108
C4 2.121
C5 1.976
N1 1.44
N2 0.765
S1 0.651
O1 1.106
O2 1.071
C6 0.5
C7 1.312
C8 1.332
C9 0.646
C10 1.33
C11 1.295
N3 0.832
N4 0.856
C12 0.82
C13 0.649
C14 0.512
C15 1.036
C16 2.071
C17 1.935
C18 1.568
O3 1.276
O4 2.24
O5 2.327
3D View
Fluctuation Plot